About Us

Welcome to Colonics by Anna Bella!

Opened in 2012, we are a well-established facility in the Las Vegas area and are members of I-ACT, the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. Our goal is to ensure that you have a comfortable, relaxing, and positive colonic experience, personalized to meet your needs with care and compassion.

With new professional ownership in 2024, we are proud to provide this important service in a newly remodeled facility. We invite you to schedule time with us in our refreshed location. 702.663.9278 Call or Text Today!

Colonics by AnnaBella, Las Vegas colon cleanse > front office

Our Staff

We employ Certified Therapists and are committed to excellence in the industry.

Toni Lane, I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

Toni Lane, I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, has been in Las Vegas for over 40 years. Her educational background in Health and Wellness helps her provide clients with caring, knowledgeable, and professional service. Her dedication to our clientele is undeniably her first and utmost concern. It is truly her passion in life.

Christina Vaely Colonic Therapist

Christina Vaely, Colon Hydrotherapist and Clinical Medical Assistant, uses her background and soothing manner to ensure our client’s colonics are a comfortable and relaxing experience. Her goal is to ensure customers are satisfied with their procedures and experience at our facility.

Linda Vail, Office Manager

Linda Vail, Office Manager, is a retired holistic practitioner with over 50 years of experience managing businesses, developing projects and special marketing events. She has great Customer service skills and enjoys developing relationships while providing a high level of confidentiality and service to new and existing clients.